Displaying the site through an iframe

You can display the target site and dummy via an iframe. A visitor who successfully passed the filtering will be shown an iframe with the content of the target site. Otherwise, the visitor will see a dummy site, usually in an iframe. This method is ideal if you need to partially hide the real URL of the target site and exclude redirects.

Displaying an iframe on a parked domain

Difficulty: low

How does it work: you get a ready-made link like yourdomain.com/tracker?id=123 and use it in advertising campaigns and on websites. The visitor follows your link, is analyzed by filters and receives an iframe with a suitable site. The iframe itself is shown in any case, regardless of the result of the analysis, only the URL of this iframe changes.

Pros: simple implementation, universal way to work with any links, work on your own domain, no redirects.

Cons: not suitable for cases where iframe is forbidden. Does not support DeepLink addressing.

How to implement: you need links to the target site and the dummy site, as well as the parked domain. The parked domain is mandatory for this method of operation, the use of the system domain is allowed only for tests.

  1. In the Parking for scripts subsection of the Domains section, park your domain. The domain parking process is described here.
  2. In the section "My campaigns" add a new site with the domain that you parked in step 1. Life hack: you can add any number of sites with the same parked domain. How you will distinguish between them is an open question, but it is not prohibited.
  3. In the "Target site" and "Dummy site" fields, enter the full addresses of your landing page and the dummy page. The use of dummy is mandatory.
  4. In the "Redirect-domain" field, select the domain that you parked in step 1.
  5. Save the site and go to its Instructions section. Copy the first URL from the iframe URL block that starts with your parked domain - this is your traffic upload link.

Displaying an iframe on a dummy site

Difficulty: medium

How does it work: you are using a dummy site hosted by a third-party hosting or website builder, in which the visit analysis code is inserted. The visitor goes to the dummy site using your link. The script analyzes the visitor and, if the analysis is successful, instead of the content of the dummy site, it displays an iframe with the target site. If the script recognizes a bot in the visitor, no redirection occurs and the visitor simply sees a dummy site.

Pros: hidden display of iframe is used, suitable for services that block iframes and redirects.

Cons: requires a separate dummy site on an external hosting or website builder.

How to implement: you will need a link to the target site and a full-featured dummy site on a third-party hosting or website builder. A dummy site has one requirement: the ability to insert an arbitrary tag or JavaScript code. As a dummy site, a page with the text "Wait, the browser is checking in" or something similar is optimal.

  1. In the "My Campaigns" section, add a new site with the domain where the dummy site is located. Life hack: you can add any number of sites with the same parked domain. And place the dummies themselves on different nested pages of the site. Alternatively, you can add a checkmark "Ignore the domain from which requests are received" in the site settings.
  2. In the "Target site" field, enter the full URL of your landing page. You do not need to fill in the "Dummy site" field.
  3. Save the site and go to its "Manual" section. Copy the code from the "JS code to put on the dummy site" field. If your dummy site supports the insertion of any arbitrary HTML code, including the script tag, use the first field. If your dummy site only supports arbitrary JavaScript insertion, use the second field.
  4. Use the URL of your dummy site where the code is installed as your traffic link.

Displaying an iframe on your server

Difficulty: medium

How does it work: you are using a filter site located on a separate hosting and domain. The visitor goes to your site, is analyzed by filters and receives an iframe with the site that suits him. The iframe itself is shown in any case, regardless of the result of the analysis, only the URL of this iframe changes.

Pros: a universal way to work with any links, work on your own domain, no redirects, no binding to the AlterCPA One server.

Cons: requires separate hosting. Not suitable for cases where iframe is forbidden. Does not support DeepLink addressing.

How to implement: you need a domain and separate hosting with PHP support. The cheapest hosting plans will do, maybe even free ones. PHP CURL module is required (available almost everywhere). Links to both the target site and the dummy site are required.

  1. In the "My Campaigns" section, add a new site with the domain linked to your hosting.
  2. In the "Target site" and "Dummy site" fields, enter the full addresses of your landing page and the dummy page. The use of dummy is mandatory.
  3. Place the specified file on the hosting at the root of your domain. Use your domain's URL as a link for traffic.
  4. Life hack: you can use multiple filter sites on one domain. To do this, save the file with the code under any other name and use the direct link to it.